DNA sequencing
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Technology platforms
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Technology Platforms
+ ABI 3730xl+ Roche 454 GS-FLX System
+ Illumina Solexa 1G Genome Analyzer
+ Whole genome shotgun sequencing+ BAC end sequencing
+ SNP discovery and resequencing
+ Large-scale EST sequencing
+ Primer walking
+ SAGE sequencing
+ Sequencing expertise

SNP discovery & Resequencing
Creative Genomics provides a one-stop solution for SNP discovery & resequencing, from primer design and synthesis, PCR amplification and purification, to DNA sequencing with automated or manual basecalling. A proven track record of customer satisfaction has been established by our experienced bioinformaticians who have processed more than ten thousand trace files.
Description of Services:
- Primer design and synthesis
- PCR amplification and purification
- Single or double stranded sequencing on ABI 3730xl
- Automated or manual basecalling
- SNP and indel discovery
- Functional annotation of SNPs

A heterozygosis (C/T) at position 339

An indel (A/-) at position 449.