DNA sequencing
Custom libraries
Technology platforms
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Technology Platforms
+ ABI 3730xl+ Roche 454 GS-FLX System
+ Illumina Solexa 1G Genome Analyzer
+ Whole genome shotgun sequencing+ BAC end sequencing
+ SNP discovery and resequencing
+ Large-scale EST sequencing
+ Primer walking
+ SAGE sequencing
+ Sequencing expertise

Large scale EST sequencing
EST (Expressed Sequence Tag) is a powerful tool in genome annotation, gene identification, alternative splicing analysis, expression profiling, etc. Creative Genomics offers a one-stop solution for cDNA library construction and EST sequencing.
Services description:
- Reading length up to 500 bases
- Sequencing performed on ABI 3730xl or Pharmacia MegaBACE 1000
- No charge for reads failed the passing standards
- Unigene assembly and annotation available

EST sequencing comparison between two cDNA libraries based on Gene Ontology (GO)