DNA sequencing
Custom libraries
Technology platforms
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Technology Platforms
+ ABI 3730xl+ Roche 454 GS-FLX System
+ Illumina Solexa 1G Genome Analyzer
+ Whole genome shotgun sequencing+ BAC end sequencing
+ SNP discovery and resequencing
+ Large-scale EST sequencing
+ Primer walking
+ SAGE sequencing
+ Sequencing expertise

Shotgun sequencing
Creative Genomics provides sequencing service for long DNA fragments in large plasmids such as BAC, Fosmid and Cosmid, as well as whole genome shotgun sequencing. In each large-scale sequencing project, a project manager oversees every step and informs clients about the progress in a timely manner.
Services include:
- Shotgun library construction
- Library quality control by sequencing 96 clones
- Clone picking and arraying into 96- or 384-well plate
- Plasmid DNA preparation
- Large-scale sequencing by ABI 3730xl
- Contig assembly
- Gap closure by primer walking
- Genome coverage >99.9%
- Template DNA and bioinformatics annotation available
An effective collaboration between bioinformatics and nucleotide departments is
essential for successfully reconstructing the original sequence from the reads.
In addition to the semi-automated assembly utilizing programs such as Phred,
Phrap and Consed, manual curation is applied by senior bioinformaticians to eliminate
potential mis-assemblies. Supplementary strategies include primer walking and/or direct
PCR sequencing. Paired end DNA sequence information is used to resolve repeat sequences
and maximize the level of contig alignment. Furthermore, our in-house annotation pipeline is
able to extract and display valuable information from the sequences.
Final report includes raw sequence texts, trace data and consensus sequence files.